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shipley mckinney's STORY



The owners of the new Shipley of Mckinney, Andrew and Tina Tes, started their experience in the do-nut industry by opening their first own private, independently owned business: Watters Do-Nuts. Watters Do-Nuts was a favorite and landmark in the City of Allen, known from all areas and corners of Allen. In April of 2019, the owners, Andrew and Tina, handed over the reigns of Watters Do-Nut to a new owner. Using their knowledge and experience gained from Watters Do-Nuts, Andrew and Tina, continued an existing Shipley's and plan to carry the tradition and success of the original Shiply Do-Nuts.   



Since the first Shipley Do-Nut that was founded and opened in 1936 in Houston, Texas, it has expanded to more than 300 franchised stores in the Southern United States, including Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Colorado, Florida, and Alabama. Since 1936, they continue their tradition of creating fresh, delicious, and savory do-nuts and kolaches for their customers. 

No Compromises. Always Quality.

Since 1936 to present day, we at Shipley Do-Nut have promised our customers to use quality ingredients and recipes to produce the best quality and most delicious do-nuts and kolaches. We, at no cost, will never sacrifice quality for quantity, the best experience and taste is the main priority.

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